[CCC DEV] Move to Git

Adam Sampson ats at offog.org
Mon Oct 1 16:53:51 BST 2012

Matt Jadud <matt at jadud.com> writes:

(some stuff that all sounds sensible to me, including:)

> 6. I would like to support the Teensy 3.0, because a low-cost,
> ARM-based platform (with more flash, RAM, and megahertz) would be
> extremely useful in some cases.

There were a few comments at CPA along the lines of "have you got
occam-pi running on the Raspberry Pi yet?"...

branestawm:~/src/kroc-svn/obj > uname -a
Linux branestawm 3.2.27+ #160 PREEMPT Mon Sep 17 23:18:42 BST 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux
branestawm:~/src/kroc-svn/obj > make check
PASS: cgtest92
All 69 tests passed
   Hereticc: a non-commstime occam-pi runtime benchmark.
                                 Version: 20071120.15

                Test              Min        Avg        Max    Score
         basic.comms [ 1]      3498ns     3498ns     3498ns       84
         basic.comms [ 2]      7026ns     7026ns     7026ns       84

It only needed a minor tweak to get it working (enabling FPU/twoword
support for ARM in libtvm). It needs some work to hook plumbing up to
the Linux GPIO framework, though.

It would also be nice to get the TVM running on the bare hardware,
rather than on top of Linux; there's enough information here to make it
possible to write a wrapper:

... and peering at the Linux source for the thing should make it
possible to bring RMoX up on it, if anybody's feeling really


Adam Sampson <ats at offog.org>                         <http://offog.org/>

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