[CCC DEV] Building for Debian/Ubuntu simplified

Adam Sampson ats at offog.org
Wed Jul 7 10:01:24 BST 2010

On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 06:35:08PM -0400, Matt Jadud wrote:
> There is some question as to whether one package should contain both
> native and AVR, etc., but that can be discussed as it gets touched.

I think there should probably be (at least) four separate binary packages:

- kroc-ccsp: KRoC with the tranx86/CCSP backend, only available on i386
  (and maybe amd64, although that's a bit awkward);

- kroc-tvm: KRoC with the Transterpreter backend, on all supported
  architectures (i.e. not 64-bit ones until we figure out a way to fix

- kroc-tvm-avr: KRoC with the Transterpreter backend, cross-building for
  AVR (and similarly for other architectures as they become available);

- kroc-doc: the generated API documentation, which is the same for all

kroc-ccsp and kroc-tvm would conflict, since they both provide a
"native" occbuild et al.

The question then is whether Plumbing and the Arduino-specific tools
should then be part of kroc-tvm-avr, or another package...

> No, but if we wanted to get into the distribution, we'd probably have
> to fix them?

Yep. We'd also need to strip the non-free stuff (course/answers) from
the upstream source, which I'd prefer to do by actually removing it from
the KRoC tree proper.

Adam Sampson <ats at offog.org>                         <http://offog.org/>

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