[C.CC USERS] problem getting Plumb.exe to work

Bruce Raymond bruce at raymondtech.net
Sat Feb 28 04:13:31 GMT 2015


I've recently discovered Occam-pi and wanted to try it out on the 
Arduino. I downloaded and unpacked Plumb-20130628. I'm using Windows 
7-64 SP1. I just unpacked everything into a subdirectory.

When I run Plumb.exe from Windows Explorer it opens a command window, 
eventually writes something to the screen, and closes the window before 
I can see what was written. When I run Plumb.exe from a command window I 
get the following -

EXITING: #(struct:exn:fail:contract:blame dns-get-address: contract 
   expected: (or/c ip-address? ip-address-string?)
   given: #f
   in: the 1st agrument of
         ((or/c ip-address? ip-address-string?)
         (#:ipv6? any/c)
contract from: #%embedded:g11384:dns
blaming: #%embedded:g11298:model-plumb
at: (collect>/net/dns.rkt:13.11 #(continuation-mark-set) #(blame))

The IP address and dns statements make it look like some sort of 
networking error. This occurs on startup, so there's no opportunity to 
change any parameters inside of the program. I haven't found a 
configuration file.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to what to try next?

Bruce Raymond
bruce at raymondtech.net

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