[C.CC USERS] Firmware issues

Andreas Rasmussen andreas-r at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 6 18:27:52 BST 2012

Hi all

I have the same firmware problem with an arduino 2560 mega and have tried following the directions.

I compiled the program and tried uploading, which produced the following error:
"avrdude.exe: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0xe0

avrdude.exe done.  Thank you."

An ihex file named Test.ihex was produced.

Installed python 2.7.3, downloaded the ihexmerge.py file, and did the following:
With the path set (set path=%path%;C:\python27).
(Instructions from earlier e-mail)

First copied the ihexmerge.py script and the Test.ihex file to the root transterpreter folder.

cd documents\Transterpreter

Followed by:
python ihexmerge.py arduino/tvm/firmware/tvm-avr-atmega1280-16000000-arduinomega.hex Test.ihex > combined.ihex

This produced the combined.ihex file.

Then i ran this: (with the arduino mega 2560 on COM port 3)
"bin/avrdude.exe" -C bin/avrdude.conf -V -F -p atmega2560 -P COM3 -b 115200 -c stk500v2 -D -U flash:w:combined.ihex

Which just gives a whole lot of the following error message:
"avrdude.exe: stk500_2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout".
After 34 of those i also got this error message:
"avrdude.exe: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer".

I'm not really an experienced user when it comes to this. Can anyone please help me? I would love to get this to work :-)


PS: On the concurrency.cc website (http://concurrency.cc/book/), the link to the Plumbing for the Arduino just leads to github, which gives this error:
There isn't a GitHub Page hosted here, sorry.
Are you trying to publish one?

We'll send you an email when your page has been built. It may take up to ten minutes until your page is available.

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Has the Plumbing for the Arduino disappeared, or has it been hidden somewhere? :-)

Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 17:07:04 +0100
From: gilmorenator at gmail.com
To: rachsmith at utexas.edu
CC: users at concurrency.cc
Subject: Re: [C.CC USERS] Firmware issues

Sorry I should have provided instructions,
I believe these are the steps you need to take:
compile the program in the IDE

use the run/upload button to attempt to upload the code
this step generates the ihex file, and it does not matter if
upload actually failes. The important things is to get the ihex file

Use the script ihemerge.py script to generate a new ihex file that
combines the firmware for the mega1280 (which is compatible with the
2560) and the ihex file generated by step2

python ihexmerge.py
yourfile.ihex > combined.ihex

use avrdude to upload the file, something like this:
bin/avrdude.exe -C bin/avrdude.conf -V -F -p atmega2560 -P COM4 -b
115200 -c stk500v2 -D -U flash:w:combined.ihex
You'll need to have Python installed for the script to work,

Anything else just shout!
On 6 June 2012 16:51, David Gilmore <gilmorenator at gmail.com> wrote:

If its the 2560 that you have then you will need to run this magic script:


I believe this is a common problem with the Arduino Mega,

On 6 June 2012 16:44, Rachel E Smith <rachsmith at utexas.edu> wrote:

Hello all,

I am having trouble uploading the plumbing firmware to my Arduino Mega. It is giving me this error:

avrdude.exe: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0xd8

Any ideas? 



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