[C.CC USERS] libraries

Matt Jadud matt at jadud.com
Tue Jul 31 00:05:23 BST 2012

Hi Pete,

I have not rolled it into the official distribution, but I have a TWI
library for the AVR.


I have some code that talks to a 256K EEPROM, which might be instructive:


and, a TWI library. Apparently, I was on my third go-round re: implementation.


If you drop that in a directory with your code, you can write

#INCLUDE "twi3.module"

and it will be pulled straight in.

My library is 1) slow, 2) probably/possibly correct. I have used it to
set and pull time information from the Chronodot[1], so it works well
enough to do that. You can see the usage of the library in


Improvements can be submitted against that GitHub repository, I
suppose, and when everyone stops traveling, we can look at pulling
that directly into the Plumbing codebase. I consider nothing in that
library sacred, and it represents my first real exploration of TWI, so
I wouldn't be surprised if there were better ways of doing things.
Feel free to make suggestions/submit patches/rewrite it as

Feel free to ask questions, and let us know what we can do to help.


On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 6:34 PM, peter feeney <fighne at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> hi All,
> knowing that there are libraries for I2C in the Processing language are
> there any in Occam?
> As I'm just about to build my own addons which require I2C, One Wire
> communications with other devices(memory, rtc, temp/humidty)
> Regards Pete
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